URC Thailand Makes Waves with Eco-Friendly Uniforms

URC Thailand's Eco-Fashion Statement: Uniforms Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles
URC Thailand Turns Waste into Wearable Art
Universal Robina Corporation (URC) Thailand is making waves in the fashion and sustainability world with its innovative "URGreen Upcycling Uniform Campaign." This groundbreaking initiative transforms discarded plastic bottles into stylish and eco-friendly employee uniforms.

From Bottles to Blouses: A Circular Fashion Journey
By repurposing 21,000 collected plastic bottles, URC Thailand has produced 1,500 polo shirts for its employees. This remarkable feat has resulted in a significant reduction of 2,571 kg of CO2 emissions, equivalent to planting 215 trees.

Employee Empowerment and Design Innovation
URC Thailand employees were actively involved in the design process, with Vichida Pengnum's design ultimately selected for the company polo. A fashion show showcased the new uniforms, celebrating diversity and creativity.
A Commitment to Sustainability
This initiative is just the beginning for URC Thailand. The company aims to produce an additional 4,800 shirts, requiring 67,000 recycled plastic bottles, further solidifying its commitment to environmental responsibility.

URC's dedication to sustainability extends beyond Thailand. In the Philippines, the company has partnered with local brands to create eco-friendly clothing using recycled cotton sacks. URC's iconic brands like Great Taste, C2, and Piattos have been household names for generations, and initiatives like these reinforce the company's commitment to a greener future.

URC Thailand's "URGreen Upcycling Uniform Campaign" sets a shining example of how businesses can contribute to a more sustainable world while inspiring others to embrace eco-friendly practices.

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