Shigetsu's Biggest Sale happening on Shopee's 11.11 Sale!

1 minute read

I've always been on the lookout for nice cool frames and SHIGETSU is one of my go-to to look for hip and trendy design and styles. Especially this coming 11.11 Sale, Shopee and Shigetsu is cooking up something amazing for those people who's been eyeing a set of specs.

Shigetsu has been featured in this blog a few times already and the products they make are 100% safe & effective having passed Japan's QC tests on blocking UV/Radiation and bluelights. 

The Shigetsu RadPRO is the go to anti-bluelight glasses for you. The glasses are designed by a Japanese but is for Filipinos. This is great for people who are always infront of the screens for long periods of time. This protects your eyes from computer radiation. The design is also nice because it can be unisex. It has high quality anti glare lens. 

Check it out here

To take care of your eyewear, use mild soap or alcohol for cleaning the lens and use 100% cotton fabric for cleaning the lens.

I've always liked how Shigetsu packages their products. It comes with the eyewear, designer pouch, designer leather case and a microfiber lens cleaner.

Key points about Harmful Light!

Like ultraviolet radiation, high-energy visible blue light has both benefits and dangers. Here are important things you should know about blue light: 
  1. It's everywhere. 
  2. Blue light reduces melatonin levels. 
  3. Eyes can't naturally block blue light. 
  4. Increased risks of Eye Diseases. 
  5. Blue light is the primary cause of Eye Strain 
  6. Not all blue light is bad.

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