Yahoo launches Livetext in the Philippines

2 minute read

Manila, August 13, 2015 - Today, Yahoo announced the global roll out of Livetext and is bringing this new way to communicate to the Philippines. Yahoo Livetext blends the immediacy and simplicity of texting with the expressiveness of video without the audio, and it is now available around the world in every major language.

Hundreds of millions of us are addicted to our phones, most of us (71%) even sleep with them; yet, the way we use these devices to communicate doesn’t fit seamlessly into our daily lives. While texting is quick and easy, you often miss the meaning of a message, have to explain your reaction (“LOL”), or wait hours before getting a response. And to actually talk on the phone, you not only have to be available, but you also have to be in a place where you can speak.

Connecting with your friends should be spontaneous, easy but also fleeting - just like a real-life conversation. Yahoo Livetext combines video to make your conversations more authentic, and text to bring you a quick and non-intrusive way to connect.

Livetext puts your words and your friend’s real-time reactions at the center of your conversation. Whether you’re dancing the night away at the hottest new nightspot, soaking up the Boracay sun or on a food tour in Binondo, you can spontaneously connect with friends and family and invite them to experience moments with you. With the video on, you can not only share a text with your friend, but you may also see their expression real time without having to take an audio call. Simple conversations transform into richer experiences and become more authentic and memorable.

Yahoo has been testing and rolling out Livetext in several markets, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and the U.S. Everyone is excited by the feedback the community has given so far, and it is very thrilling to be launching this in the Philippines. 

You may download Yahoo LiveText from Apple Store or Google Play.

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