With all the noise being made by huge stage productions, this little gem of a show has been making a mark of its own. SABEL: LOVE & PASSION, a show that defies classification (Stage musical? Ballet recital? Pop concert?) returns on August 11 and 12, 8pm at the Music Museum. Inspired by National Artist Ben Cabrera’s famous paintings of a madwoman of the streets, SABEL: LOVE & PASSION stars the beautiful Iza Calzado who narrates the entire show while acting in the title role. The Philippine Ballet Theater, choreographed by Ronilo Jaynario, dances out the twists and turns of the story with song vocals rendered by renowned singers Aicelle Santos, Bo Cerrudo, Joaquin Pedro Valdes and Timmy Pavino. Music and Musical Direction by Louie Ocampo with Lyrics, Script and Direction by Freddie Santos. Video Mapping is executed by Video Sonic while Joe Tecson is in charge of the abstract sets. Only a few tickets remain. Call Music Museum 721-6726 now!
“A teleserye crammed into an hour and half…” says one of the country’s top editors and that barely describes SABEL: LOVE & PASSION, a “little” show that has had packed audiences raving. So much so that it now makes a “small” comeback on August 11 and 12, 8pm at the Music Museum. Difficult to describe though not to understand, SABEL: LOVE & PASSION is a musical cum ballet recital cum pop concert cum, yes, teleserye all packed into one hour and thirty minutes and performed without an intermission. Intriguing to say the least, this production is inspired by the paintings of National Artist Ben Cabrera featuring a madwoman of the streets. Narrating the show as well as performing in the title role is the highly-praised film actress Iza Calzado, acting for the first time ever on stage. Dancing out the whole story to the choreography of Ronilo Jaynario is the Philippine Ballet Theater while the songs are performed by concert singers Aicelle Santos, Bo Cerrudo, Joaquin Pedro Valdes and Timmy Pavino. Renowned pop hitmaker Louie Ocampo handles the Music and Musical Direction while Aliw Awards Hall of Fame Director Freddie Santos is in charge of the lyrics, script and stage direction. Backgrounded by an abstract set designed by Joe Tecson, the show also serves as a canvas for high-tech video mapping as designed and executed by Video Sonic. If it takes this much to describe this “little” show, one can only imagine how much show there actually is to enjoy.
Tickets are very limited. Call TicketWorld (891-9999) and at Music Museum Ticketron (721-6726) now!
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