The holidays are here and yey for a quick rainy day season here in Manila! But in this tropical country, rain comes out just when you least expect it so you better be ready. Even if you are, are your valuable items safe and gadgets dry from the rains and flood? Well, I came across this cool brand that does just that, Tactics Water Gear has been around for a while and their main products are waterproof bags and waterproof cases for the gadgets and other outdoor gear.
These outdoor gears are not just for the beach or during the rainy days but also for those who enjoy nature and other outdoor activities. (biking, hiking, trekking and so much more) This waterproof bag is their 5L dry bag. You can put a lot of things here actually. Your wallet, shirt, pants, underwear and documents you don't want getting wet.
Heated, pressed, and sealed properly. That what keeps the bag waterproof the quality stitches also make the bag durable.
The other item that is also nice in their lineup is their waterproof cased for small and big gadgets. The one I have is for the iPad.
Same as the bag, the case is sealed properly making sure that the case protects your gadgets and water doesn't come in.
Check out their Facebook account for more photos of their products.
Same as the bag, the case is sealed properly making sure that the case protects your gadgets and water doesn't come in.
Tactics Water Gear is your perfect partner for any adventure. It is also a perfect gift this holiday season for the adventurers and outdoor fanatics out there. Gear up for your adventures. :) Tactics Water Gear retail store are available at Tactics Water Gear at Market! Market! Taguig 4th Floor, Chaser Action Sports at Gateway Mall Cubao 2nd Floor. You can also buy these items online at Lazada and Zalora.
Check out their Facebook account for more photos of their products.
Awesome review! Thank you Myke! :)