The name of the store is Chaser Actions Sports and they have loads of items here. From active gears for outdoor activities, penny boards, helmets, accessories, shades and many other cool items that would make you cool as you go on your active lifestyle mode.
On one side of it, you can see this really cool Tactics Water Gear waterproof bags. A bag that protects your valuables. Tactics Water Gear also have some waterproof cases for your gadgets. (Read about it here)
They also have a wide array of choices in their Penny Board Line.
Here's a closer look at those yummy and beautiful boards. :)
Here's for the girls.
They also sell a couple of cool helmets for your biking and skating needs.
You like them? You may purchase them here.
They also have these fun scooters. Though I think I'm too big for this. :)
Chase Action Sports also sells a couple fun and cool accessories to go with your active hobby.
Some fashionable shades.
They also sell a couple of wheels for you to customize your board.
The store doesn't alienate beginners and newbies. Actually, they don't sell boards that are used by pros, but they do sell good quality boards and other stuff that are for fun and leisure.
Here's the board that caught my eye. :) The black/yellow/red Chaser Cloud 9.
If you're near Gateway, be sure to dropby their store at teh 2nd level of their new wing. You can also check out Chaser Action Sports items at these following locations.
R.O.X. Bonifacio High Street
R.O.X. Marquee Mall
R.O.X. Ayala Centrio
R.O.X. Ayala Cebu
Chaser at Market! Market!, Fairview Terraces, Glorietta 3, Gateway
Toy Kingdom SM Megamall, North Edsa, Mall of Asia
Indeed, Chaser Action Sports is a one stop shop for uniqly fun and exciting outdoor toys for kids and 'kids at heart'
For more information, like them on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/chaseractionsports and follow them on Instagram ChaserActionSports.
You like them? You may purchase Chaser items right here.
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