Yeap, John Lloyd is Century Tuna's newest endorser! And this year's Century Superbods will be hotter than usual. Century Tuna aims the transformation towards a healthier, sexier body for everyone. Yes and I mean everyone!
They are pretty serious about it and aside from staging steamy and hot summer fashion shows, they want the people to take part and be involved. That is why they are having the Century Tuna Superbods SuperChallenge. The actual event will happen this coming April 25 to 27 once again gathers celebrities and beach lovers in the country’s ultimate summer destination, Boracay.
But before that, there's an intriguing twist. John Lloyd is tapped to inspire loyal customers of Century Tuna to join the Superbods SuperChallenge. What goes down here is that for six weeks, the JLC will undergo the Superbods Diet and Workout Plan designed by top nutritionist Nadine Tengco and fitness trainer Coach Jim Saret. (Check out previous post right here)
Don't you guys worry, us consumers will also have the chance to get a glimpse of the Superbods Diet and Workout Plan of JLC. They are accessible to the public through the My Road to Superbods website ( and for FREE! Thousands of peso worth of Workout and Meal Plan and it's just at the tip of our fingertips. (Read about the site here)
Was invited to attend the presscon of the Century Tuna Superbods at Intercon Hotel and man, was the place packed! :)
They also served healthy food that can be found on the Meal Plan (I think)
“We all know that Century Tuna Superbods is one of the most awaited summer events in the country and this year, we did our best to offer something new. By presenting John Lloyd Cruz as a Superbod, we want to inspire our loyal customers to take their own journey towards health and fitness.” Stated Mr. Banzon.
Although John Lloyd wasn't in attendance, he did express his feelings on this experience.
Going back to Mr. Banzon, along with his Marketing Manager, they share to the media on where Century Tuna is right now. They looked back on the past couple of years and also presented the past winners of the Century Superbods. Mr. Banzon was also proud to share to us that Century Tuna is going global. Part of that endeavor is in a few months, they will be penetrating the US market and will be available in one of the biggest retail shops. Walmart.
Although John Lloyd wasn't in attendance, he did express his feelings on this experience.
“I’m very thankful that Century Tuna chose me for this challenge. It’s inspiring because when I turned 30, my wish for myself is to be healthy. With this challenge, I am really trying to achieve a 360-degree turn in my lifestyle,” The transformation, he explains, will provide him greater room for experimentation when accepting roles: “My body is my tool as an actor, and the roles I take are affected by how I look, including my physique. When I become a Superbod, it’s exciting to think of the roles and scenes that I can do.”
Going back to Mr. Banzon, along with his Marketing Manager, they share to the media on where Century Tuna is right now. They looked back on the past couple of years and also presented the past winners of the Century Superbods. Mr. Banzon was also proud to share to us that Century Tuna is going global. Part of that endeavor is in a few months, they will be penetrating the US market and will be available in one of the biggest retail shops. Walmart.
Ms. Nadine Tongco stepped up and share a bit of information on proper diet and shared some ways on how to prepare meals and those that you should avoid when undergoing the Superbods diet.
One one of her slides, she shared that "Abs are made in the Kitchen." Now that is so true. I guess I don't need to breakdown each benefit of Century Tuna like the Omega 3 and all but one thing that I was able to pickup from Nadine is the way of eating with the right portions. Oh and having a glass of lemon water in the morning to help our metabolism.
After Nadine, Coach Jim Saret was next and explained that we don't need expensive equipment to exercise. We can do it at home and we can easily do it in the office.
Coach also shared some stories of contestants on the Biggest Loser show on using body weight and just some effective and basic exercise that we can basically do in a short period of time.
Gelli then called in the members of the Boys Night Out DJs Slick Rick, TonyToni and Sam YG. They are this year's celebrity challengers who will undergo the six-week challenge. (Found in the website)
The BNO were happy that they were a part of it because the site features a daily workout program and a systematized meal plan featuring the original healthy meat, Century Tuna Flakes in Oil. Century Tuna contains Omega 3, which helps burn body fat, shrink abdominal fat cells and stop certain genes that trigger inflammation on belly fat, in addition to promoting a healthy heart.
After the challenge, the BNO DJs, together with John Lloyd and Anne, will head off to Boracay for all the fun activities leading to the finals of the Century Tuna Superbods SuperChallenge 2014, a competition for males and females between 18 to 35 years old with a healthy body and passion for an active lifestyle.
After the boys shared their stories about their recent diet and cheat days, they introduced Anne Curtis. (and then everyone got crazy) Everyone pulled out their cameras, cellphones and other gadgets and it was picture time for every one.
She greeted and welcomed everyone, did a couple of poses and even some selfies.

Anne, shares, “It’s always a pleasure to represent a product that you truly believe in that’s why I’m very happy and grateful to be chosen as Century Tuna’s endorser again. I also feel very honored to be given the opportunity to bring the message of health and fitness to more people through Century Tuna.”
Now all those time, I just can't help but notice the abs that Anne is sporting. I think I saw some cuts there!

Anyways, here are photos of the beautiful Anne Curtis.
Now on its fifth season, the Century Tuna Superbods will hold go-sees in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao! Interested parties should visit SM City Davao Annex Activity Center on March 2; SM City Iloilo Activity Center on March 9; and SM Mall of Asia Music Hall on March 16.
Now here are more Anne photos during the event. (see below or click here)
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