Now playing as Billy and Nick, Vaughn and Wilson play two guys at the peak of their salesmanship when all of a sudden their company decided to close shop.

Desperate to get their game back, Billy McMahon (Vaughn) discovers an intership opportunity at, according to Fortune magazine, the “best place to work for”- Google (in the movie, you will get to understand why). Convincing his partner Nick to join, the hilarious duo dares to dream against all odds and battles out young, ambitious, top- of- their- class job seekers for their places at Google.
The movie is an uplifting story with humor and idealism. “The optimism that comes from the film’s message is that maybe there's something each generation can learn from the other. It's a huge part of why the film is not just funny, but also timely, aspirational and hopeful,” says Vaughn
THE INTERSHIP is movie that will leave you feeling good from not only from laughing so hard (which is always a guarantee when you watch these guys), but also from seeing how perseverance and hard work always pay off in the end. The humor is relatable and inspiring. Somehow, it will leave you thinking “If they can do that, so can I!”
Check out the hilarious 'flash dance' clip below.
“The Internship” opens today,August 14 in theaters nationwide.
Nix Soon
Mrs. M.O.E.