Red Band Trailer of "The Heat" Starring Sandra Bullok & Melissa McCarthy

1 minute read

Trailers are supposed to be exciting and would be able to get your attention and curiosity. I don't care what other say but Red Band trailers does that for me. I feel that the essence of the movie are all in its 'Red Band' trailers. :) Check out "The Heat" Red Band trailer here.

So here you go, in the upcoming movie "The Heat", Director Paul Feig reinvigorates the buddy cop genre by pairing Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock and breakout star Melissa McCarthy as law enforcers with wildly different styles in “The Heat.” 

Set in Boston, the movie follows Sarah Ashburn (Bullock), a by-the-book FBI agent forced to team up with Shannon Mullins (McCarthy), a brash undercover Boston street cop to track a ruthless drug lord. This wildly dysfunctional duo must try to catch this high-powered criminal without killing one another in the process.

Rated R-13, “The Heat” opens in cinemas on June 27 from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

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