This issue as TIME say perfectly captures what the Millennial Generation is all about. The Me Me Me generation they are talking about are roughly those born from 1980 to 2000. They came of age during one of the worst economic crashes in history, in an era where no job is secure and the education system is no longer delivering in the way it should, among other huge shifts. And they've adapted incredibly.
I was a part of this generation, and some of us may be self-absorbed, but I guess not all of us are lazy. We are survivors actually. :)
TIME writer Joel Stein argues that, even though they may still live with their parents, this is the generation that will "save us all."
Check out the cover below.
Of course, as always, TIME magazine could not be spared witty antics from online critic our there. :)
I'm not sure how cats can save us really.

So which ones are your favorite? Looking at these, I'm not so sure which one is the right one. :D
This is Mix signing out!
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