So what is bobble? No it's not moving your head side to side pointlessly or something but its a bottle. A water bottle but that is just not a water bottle. In this age, we are all becoming more concerned with the environment, our health and all. From the things that we eat, how we live and what mark we leave for the next generation.

The bottle is designed by the renowned industrial artist, Karim Rashid. The bottle and filter is made from recycled PET plastic and free from BPA, phtalates and PVC. Get this, the bottle is 100% recyclable.
Here the Philippines, each bobble bottle costs P595.00 (550-ml), while the filters are sold at P 345.00 each and omes in six cool colors, the Red, black, yellow, magenta and blue. For more information please like and follow @bobbleph on Twitter.
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