Another NIKE warehouse sale!!!

Today, June 23 around 10am. I am probably at the entrance of the Agility Center warehouse in Paranaque and already checking out the place. :) No, I don't plan to buy anymore after my last splurge. Same as my post on the previous NIKE WAREHOUSE SALE. They are back with ...not 50%, not 60%, not 70% but with up to 80% off!!!

With the 80% off, I am not sure If I can really avoid purchasing any or maybe buy just one. So I hope my will is strong. (and hope I don't leave my credit card). :D

To get an idea about the sale, check out my previous posts about it below.

I will update you guys of the sale via twitter around 10am if I can so Follow me @mykesoon.

This is Mix signing out!
Twitter: mykesoon
Fan page: mixofeverything