Haven't really seen the uncensored video (I know, Loser). But if are like me who have not seen it because it is being blocked by the office IT department, I would like to inform you that for the first time, AXE is releasing a scent for women as well. Good eh?
This is a video of the AXE Anarchy girls apologizing for the “bitin” AXE TVC.
You may check out the censored video below.
For the uncensored visit the make sure to Like Axe Philippines on Facebok and Follow Axe Philippines on Twitter
I heard that there will be a big hot and naughty event launch for Axe Anarchy and they’re going to hold the biggest and sexiest cops and robbers game with young and sexy models chasing after the guys. (I know, I wouldn't run either, I would just stay there and maybe just lie down)
I do know that the event will be legendary. :) Last time I got my AXE on was during the Cream Halloween Ball and uhhh let's just say it was... ok. :)
I heard that there will be a big hot and naughty event launch for Axe Anarchy and they’re going to hold the biggest and sexiest cops and robbers game with young and sexy models chasing after the guys. (I know, I wouldn't run either, I would just stay there and maybe just lie down)
I do know that the event will be legendary. :) Last time I got my AXE on was during the Cream Halloween Ball and uhhh let's just say it was... ok. :)
"AXE Anarchy for Him + AXE Anarchy for Her = THE ULTIMATE AXE EFFECT.
If you're ready to unleash the chaos...Buy one now" :)
This is Mix signing out!
Email: michael.soon@yahoo.com
Twitter: mykesoon
Fan page: mixofeverything