Same as the last Mario Maurer fan conference, girls were shrieking. Shouting and basically chanting Mario's name. Ok... I think I got used to that by now, then "OMG's", "OhMyGawd" were actually mentioned by the girls at our back. High pitched shout of his name in unison was all in different places of the crowd. The "we love you Mario Maurer" were mostly chanted.
As I screen the crowd, I do not only see girls and women. I see men too.. Also shouting Mario Maurer's name. Kind of weird but what can I say..that Mario certainly has a good following and great fans here in the Philippines.
The event started with a welcome remark from the Penshoppe's Alex Mendoza then presented us with Penshoppe's offering this Holiday-Mario Maurer.

And then the crowd goes wild. Ladies and guys rushed closer to the runway with their cellphones and cams, then people started standing up and so did the rest of the crowd. Yeap and I was one of them. to chant was deafening (maybe a little) but it was enough to notice that it was loud. Female and some selected male hormones were up the roof. Check out some shots of Mario I took below.
He went out and then a few more penshoppe collection was shown
I didn't know about the program and I thought that was it. After a few moments, models came out strutting another set of Penshoppe collection. Beautiful men and women looked oh so great on these summer collection.
After the fashion show, Alex Mendoza, Penshoppe's Brand Director graced the runway with Mario.
And for one last time, Mario went out to be interviewed for a short time, was given a birthday cake and walked the runway or the last time with Kat Alano.
Check out the fans.
Mario blowing the cake.
Last walk of Mario Maurer with Kat Alano
and below are pictures of the fans and happy people who attended the event.
I hope you liked the pictures! :) If you do, hit the comments below. :)
More Mario Maurer post.
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