MANILA, Philippines – Local apparel brand Penshoppe recently confirmed that for their Philippine Fashion Week show to be held on October 29, 2011 at SMX, Thai superstar MARIO MAURER has agreed to strut the runway as the show’s final reveal.

This October, Mario Maurer is set to arrive in Manila as the latest endorser of Penshoppe. Following the brand’s highly successful series of top trending international campaigns, Maurer’s selection after British actor Ed Westwick of the popular series Gossip Girl marks the arrival of the local apparel group as a force to be reckoned with not only in the local circles but also in the international market.
“Ed Westwick for Penshoppe opened a lot of doors for us. Now Mario will not only make Penshoppe a bigger fashion name in the Philippines - he will also help grow the market in Southeast Asia, especially knowing that he has gained a wide following among the regional fans,” explains Mendoza.
“While Ed represents the international jet set, Mario will represent a wider audience composed of the younger set.”
Meanwhile, the Philippines’ leading broadcast network ABS CBN has been awarded the exclusive rights to air the highly anticipated Philippines visit of the Thai heartthrob. Among the films that boosted Maurer’s name to public consciousness was The Love of Siam released in 2007. He also starred in the sleeper hit Crazy Little Thing Called Love that surprisingly gave ABS CBN high ratings during its premiere on local television.
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