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Was glad to be a part and witness the start of THE BETTERDOG GAMES NUVALI in Sta. Rosa, Laguna yesterday. The event happpend on October 22 & 23 and feature the Philippine Dog Agility Association (PDAA) national dog agility championships, back to back with the country's first SKYHOUNDS® disc dog championship.

Dog teams from the country participated. Dog teams from Bacolod, Cebu, Davao and Manila eengaged in a friendly competition to earn titles for their dogs. Families, friends and their companion dogs gathered to enjoy this unique event and applaud these talented canine athletes. Spectators that register with their dogs will be treated to a variety of fun games like Temptation Alley, a Jack Russell Terrier hurdle race, and an Easter egg hunt for human and pet dogs tandems. Admission is free for spectators.

There we also some international guest speakers and judges include Jeff Perry, world disc dog champion and co-founder of Hyperflite, the world’s leading manufacturer of canine discs. Jeff will be holding a disc dog clinic and officiate in the SkyHoundz disc dog competition.

President of the Penang Dog Agility Association of Malaysia, Ms. Adreinne Lim will be judging the dog agility competition, while another Malaysian Sue Yeap will judge the K9 Nosework Competition. Ms. Rayna Stout, canine training and behavior specialist, will be demonstrating the extraordinary skills of her dog Lyric, a Toty Collie.

Dog agility and disc dog are two of the fastest rising dog sports in the world. In dog agility the human handler directs his dog through an obstacle course in a race for time and accuracy. Disc dog, more commonly known as “canine frisbee,” has the dogs and their human flying disc throwers compete in events such as distance catching and freestyle catching in choreographed routines. Both sports celebrate the age-old bond between human and dog.

Aside from dog agility and disc dog, The BetterDog Games will also highlight two new and exciting dog sports, K9 Nosework and Rally Obedience. K9 Nosework borrows elements of explosive/drug detection training for pet recreation. In a race against time, the dogs are required to locate a target odor—an essential oil—through a variety of environments. Rally Obedience, builds on traditional obedience competition and makes it fun. Competitors heel through a course of 10 to 20 designated exercises that include sits, downs, figure 8s, and 360 degree turns.

The Skyhoundz Championships is a series of more than 100 Local Championships, eight Regional Qualifiers, numerous International Qualifiers and the World Championship in the United States. Hyperflite’s state-of-the-art line of canine discs also includes the revolutionary Jawz™ puncture-resistant disc. 

This event promises dog lovers and enthusiasts an unforgettable two days of furry fun set against the wide open fields and breathtaking views of NUVALI, the perfect haven for pet owners to bond with their pets as they get up close and personal with nature. Check out their program below on the 2 days. 

The Betterdog Games is brought to you by BetterDog Canine Behavior Center, the country’s first professional dog training facility that teaches and encourages owners to train their own dogs. 

Special thanks to Avida, Pfizer, Animal Health, San Miguel Brewery, Vets in Practice, Alpo, Air Philippines, Ezy Dog, Pepsi, Reyes Barbeque, Eukanuba, Vitality, Perfetti Van Melle, Good Housekeeping, Good Dog, Philippine Star & Philippine Daily Inquirer

To view the BetterDog Games NUVALI competition schedule please visit or - May the better dog win!

Below are some pictures of the first day event. You may also want to check out more pictures here, or at the fanpage 

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