I just missed your heart is what you'd hear first from
Hanna. So what is Hanna? Hanna is a movie about a young girl played by Saoirse Ronan trained by Erik a father played by Eric Bana who is a former CIA to avenge the death his wife. Hanna is part of a DNA experiment that was discontinued and shut down. The move in effect ended up Marissa an operative of the CIA played by Cate Blanchett killing the wife.
The movie is more badass than you would think. This young
girl in her teens is so deadly and yet looks so innocent. I love the action
scenes and how it is executed. It I not forced and just flows naturally with
'Hanna'. Although I didn't get the whole plan on her dad's role in killing the
bitch that killed her father, still you'll get lost in all of Hanna. Her
deadliness and yet innocence just make her a good lead and overall a great kick
ass character.
Another worth mentioning is some funny one-two liners.
One of my favorite is one guys asked Hanna 'what did her mom die of' and se
naturally said '3 bullets'. Then the guy spits out the drink he just took and everyone in
the movie laughed with me.
I gotta say that there were some side stories and facts
that the director wasn't able to focus on, but yeah, as I said, You'd get lost
in hanna when you are watching the movie. I do like the editing, music and the
Eric Bana played a good Ex-CIA that has gone rogue. Cate Blanchett played as Marissa who killed the mother. Although Banchett thinner body frame was
noticable, she did play the villain with subtleness and grace.
Few things to watch out for.
-the whistle- it is kill Billy type but kinda better. I
just forgot about it.
-hanna's pierced ear (why is it pierced?-la lang :))
-subway action
scene of the father. Finally some Great action scenes from the father
I don't mind violence and I do appreciate a nice strong
character. Doesn't have to be all CGI or stunts or explosions. So for me, I rate the movie 4 out of 5. I like it. enough said! :)

4stars for it's kickass deadliness and bad ass-iness! :)
Check out Hanna's escape clip and trailer below and check out my previous post of Hanna here
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