From the PressCon, (see my post here)i had to skip the charity event and the store visit. I headed to the big dome.
The dome was busy. It was packed! There were lines outside and commotions all over. Teens, young adults, and full grown adults. They all swarmed in one venue from different places for this rare event. I wasn't able to take pictures of the line as I was all busy with, errrr stuffs. Looking for someone and calling a few friends.
Anywho, the tickets that we got was an upper box B. Yes, it was kind of far, but! A ticket is still a ticket and as Kobe used to say, "take every advantage" and so we did.
It did not dampened our spirits that we were on top. So we went up. The top was crazy! People rushed in, in groups! Sporting Kobe and nike merchandise. The guards were all in a frenzy and having a hard time controlling people. Looks funny how porters and some bouncers so helpless with the Kobe mob.
Haha anyways, as we were observing, I took a shot of this lady who on the other side is willing to jump from upperbox B to upperbox A. Following the leads from a few that were able o jump down the 12ft sumtin high difference. Haha. Things they would do for Kobe. :)
We went out and tried to enter the upperbox A, via force to the porter, we got in. My friend Romeo Blabbered something then headed through the door as if nothing happened. Hahaha we got in. Hello lowerbox A.

There it was, the opening salvo. After a while, we went down at the entrance. rested. Waited patiently. Prayed. Planing on a sneaky way to get past the guards.We Set a time to leave. Gave chance and luck another try. And there we were..., after waiting for about 30mins. With a light, or a silver lining, a patronus just in time when we're being demented.
A friend got us stamps on our arm, and got us in. Glory/victory indeed!!! Looked for the nearest entrance and looked fr a seat. We were at The lowerbox i I think. Or patron. What ever it is, it was close enough.The Kobe picture was getting clearer and clearer. We were there, right at the VIP area (or so i think), and we were lovin it. :)
Found two columned seat and we took advantage of it. We snapped the hell out of our cameras and shouted Kobe! Or whoooooo! In a girly kind of way.
We don't deny it. Shadddap :)Anyways, I just sat there watched the local teams play, as kobe sits on the sideline. Clapping on everyshot. As the game ended, i didn't really care on who played or who won. After the game, the so called not in the script, they announced that Kobe is playing for the losing team. The UAAP team. Blahbity-blah. they played, they lost and who cares? we are all there to see Kobe play. that's just it! :)

More pictures here
Well, we did have fun and thanks to the friends out there who helped. Thanks to chance and thanks to the forces that brought us Kobe. hehe
Oh and i sat on Kobe's eat. Wiped the sweat there. hehe closest thing to touching his butt.

Oh yeah, after the game we went down and had fun taking shots of every player and celebrities we can spot. :)
This is mix signing out!
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