I am down and blue today.
I am down with a cold and maybe I'm tired from work and all. surfing the web updating FB and Twitter.
Then i came across this awesome promo from SMART.
This is not a hard sell, this is about being SMART on making your decision. You do know that what make a person is their decision right? And with the times now, everything that happens in our lives, social network platforms has been our companion. We update these sites such as Facebook and Twitter more often that we update our partners and friends. Sharing online has been the thing has been the outlet of our emotions, thoughts and feelings. We share a part of ourselves and we wait for the comments and feedbacks that our friends and followers have for us.
In this age and time... everything is online.. if not, we are heading that way...believe me. So here's what i have for you. In order for you to update you friends and loved one here and abroad. I suggest you get a broadband plan now. Wouldn't it be nice to have a broadband plan from a leading service provider and get freebies along with it? So you ask me, "When is the best time for you to get a personal broadband connection?" I say now. NOW is the best time subscribe to SMART BRO Unlimited Home Broadband Plan 999 or 1995.
Okay you ask me again, why SMART BRO? well, aside from the fact that SMART BRO is leading in broadband services they are also giving these freebies to the subscribers of these plans!
Smart BRO is giving away AWESOME freebies when you subscribe to a Home Broadband Plan! and then you get not just 1, not 2, but 3 freebies!
All these absolutely FREE!!
a. Free All-In-One HP Printer
b. FREE Call & Texts with SMART Gold Lite Plan 300 for 6 months subscription
c. Free 1 month broadband subscription
c. Free 1 month broadband subscription
Smart Bro Canopy
Up to 2 Mbps · Unlimited Surfing · Only P999 / month · 24 months lock-in
Up to 2 Mbps · Unlimited Surfing · Only P999 / month · 24 months lock-in
Smart Bro Wi-Max
Plan 1995: Unlimited surfing up to 2 Mbps
Plan 999: Unlimited surfing up to 1 Mbps
With the SMART BRO Unlimited Home broadband, they will get consistent surf speed and stable signal.
For further inquiries about the promo, you may visit the nearest SMART Wireless Center or any SMART BRO accredited agents. Proof of ID and initial down payment equal to your monthly plan is required. Check out SMART on Facebook here
Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 1871, Series of 2011.
I got a tip that the offer may not happen again. so grab the opportunity now! The Smart BRO Unlimited Home broadband promo is from March 4 to June 4, 201.
Check out the video below.
Good job SMART, good JOB!

This is your SMART blogger Mix, signing out!
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